Cameras & Equipment
We're hearing that the brand new Canon EOS 40D DSLR has started shipping. Amazon have it in stock for order...
The Three Lenses that are presented by Camera Labs as alternatives for the Canon 18-55mm Kit Lens are: Canon EF-S...
What are the pros and cons of DSLR cameras compared to a Point and Shoot Digital cameras? Discover what's best...
I don't generally announce new cameras here at the blog - but today there have been strong rumors and leaks...
Yesterday I presented the Top 10 Point and Shoot Digital Cameras as used by DPS readers and today I want...
In this post I will share the top 10 Point and Shoot Digital Cameras - as voted by the readers...
I recently made a fairly significant addition to my digital camera kit - a Canon EOS 5D. Ever since I'd...
One of my favorite type of posts here at DPS is when we open things up for discussion with a...
The Canon EOS 5D made waves when it was announced as the first DSLR with a full frame sensor that...
One of the first books that I bought on the topic of Digital Photography was Ben Long's Complete Digital Photography....
A couple of weeks ago I asked readers what their favorite DSLR lenses are. The responses were quite overwhelming with...
What filters should I buy for my DSLR lenses? The 'filter' question is another of the common ones that I'm...
When I first started writing about digital cameras the main question i was asked by readers was 'Which Camera should...
This reader review of Brian Peterson's Understanding Exposure was submitted by one of Digital Photography School's beloved forum moderators -...
Ok - this weekend's reader question is going to exclude some readers who don't have DSLRs (apologies friends - next...
'What digital photography book should I buy?' I get asked this quite a bit by readers and while I've read...
It has been a few days now since I asked readers to nominate which Digital Camera Manufacturer is best. By...
Reader Discussion Time. Which digital camera manufacturer is best? OK - before we start World War III with this discussion,...
I don't tend to read a lot of digital photography magazines but recently while sitting in an airport terminal bought...
"I've just bought a Canon EOS 400D and have been using an old 256MB Compact Flash memory card with it...
Darren, my son 7 year old son has been showing increasing interest in photography but I'm nervous to let him...
One term that you're certain to come across when researching your next DSLR purchase is 'Crop Factor'. This is a...
Should I buy a Prime Lens? In an age when zoom lenses are all the range - I've been surprised...
I've noticed that my DSLR's lens has lots of smudges on it that are starting to impact the quality of...